In the Arab world, conflicting viewpoints are not readily tolerated, and even playing the devil's advocate is frowned upon. This may be especially challenging for news networks, whose job it is to offer an impartial account to their audience. Al Jazeera News was having a particularly difficult time, as they would invite speakers from various backgrounds to appear on their programs, only to discover that many of their guests refused to share the platform with individuals who held opposing views. Consequently, Al Jazeera was even accused of bias by affiliation alone.

We wanted to break this cycle and show in a strong way that having different points of view is a good thing, since the more points of view we see, the more complete the story becomes.

We told 50 million Arabs in a bold TV commercial what no other brand dared to say: that all viewpoints are correct. Below is a version of the film with English subtitles that was broadcast.

The film went viral in the Arab world because it presented all sides of an issue with equal weight, something no other news organization has done before in the interest of impartiality and openness. It was a bold move to make such a statement, especially in light of the restrictions on free speech in the Middle East, but it paid off with millions of subscribers and widespread media coverage for the company. ​​​​​​​
Resistance or Terrorism?
The more angles we see, the more complete the story. Al Jazeera.​
Justified War or Injustice?
The more angles we see, the more complete the story. Al Jazeera.​​​​​​​
Burden or Moral Responsibility?
The more angles we see, the more complete the story. Al Jazeera.
Conspirator or Innocent?
The more angles we see, the more complete the story. Al Jazeera.
Violence or Freedom of Speech?
The more angles we see, the more complete the story. Al Jazeera.
Dubai LYNX 2016
(Film Craft)
4 Silver Awards: Cinematography, Direction, Sound Design & Editing.

(Poster Craft)
Bronze for Outdoor Executions

Loeries Awards 2016
1 Certificate in Film Craft
Al Jazeera
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Projenin Amacı

Al Jazeera

Al Jazeera

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Kreatif Alanlar