Furniture Catalog
Art Direction / Layout Design.
Client: AGRA Furniture Manufacturers.
AGRA is a multidisciplinary company, and in 2009 they introduced to the local market a new brach of services: customized design and manufacture of furniture. The company did not count on a well defined graphic identity beyond their logo, and their sales catalog would be constantly updated in the future. My responsability was to define the look and basic layouts for the sales catalog.
Muebles AGRA es una empresa multidisciplinaria que en el 2009 introdujo al mercado dominicano una nueva rama de servicios en el area de fabricación personalizada de muebles. La compañía no contaba con una linea grafica definida más allá de su logo.Su catálogo de productos sería constantemente actualizado en el futuro: tuve como responsabilidad el diseño de los layouts básicos que servirían de referencia.
 First Suggestion / Primera sugerencia
Catalog Design

Catalog Design

AGRA furniture catalog


Creative Fields