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Digital art for hairdresser salon

Digital art for a hairdressing salon.

The concept of the portraits is based on the sixties but with a completely contemporary graphics, deliberately drawing and background colors are monochromatic and polychromatic to create a kind of visual impact, of course, the main subjects are the hairstyles.
Il concetto dei ritratti si basa sugli anni sessanta ma con una grafica molto contemporanea, deliberatamente i disegni e i background sono rispettivamente monocromatici e policromatici per creare una sorta di impatto visivo, ovviamente tutti i soggetti sono focalizzati sui tagli di capelli.
Digital art for hairdresser salon

Digital art for hairdresser salon

Digital art for a hairdressing salon. The concept of the portraits is based on the sixties but with a completely contemporary graphics, deliberat Read More
