Mixed Media & Digital Print
3.5’ x 1’ x 4.5’
I wanted to create a sculpture that demonstrates how I communicate with my family, since
we have spread out over the years. The digital print is an interpretation of the driving routes, and paths planes take to travel to these different locations. I wanted to create this piece with sharp curves and obstacles to show how communication isn’t always our strongest suit, but we manage to still do so via different methods. In my eyes, the print represents the physical act of connecting via travel, and the rest of this piece represents digital means of connection, as the abstract nature of this way of communication is visually up to interpretation, as it is made up of many codes unseen to the user. 
Recently Untitled

Recently Untitled

AT- Mixed Media & Digital Print 3.5’ x 1’ x 4.5’ I wanted to create a sculpture that demonstrates how I communicate with my family, since we have Læs mere
