The World Culture Festival 2016 was a celebration of The Art of Living's 35 years of service, humanity, spirituality and human values where 155 countries showcased their culture (11th -13th March,2016).

The program required creatively inclined youth with social media skills, enthusiastic about their
culture to design posters, create content and do design tasks (deadline based) to promote World Culture Festival across all platforms.
Supported By
Ministry of Culture, Government of India, Incredible India, National School of Drama, Lalit Kala Akademi, National Academy of Art, Sangeet Natak Academi, National Academy of Music, Dance and Art
TASK 1 - Find 10 quirky facts about different cultures around the world and create animagery.

 World Culture Festival-10 quirky facts about different nations.
TASK 2- To design a minimilast poster on either of the topics: One world one family, 
celebrating spirituality, Incredible India or Folk tales.
One World One Family
WCF Art work

WCF Art work

Created posters and other creatives for Social media campaigns.
