Kreiranje komunikacijske veze gluvih sa onima koji su “sposobni” da vokalno saobraćaju rečima izvedeno je korišćenjem znakovnog jezika i izborom pojmova koji bi najbliže opisali svet onog koji opisuje sebe pojmom. Tako se pojam kao mesto identifikacije ostvaruje kao portret isečen iz kadra i preveden u pokret, gest kao ispunjenje komunikacijskog jaza koji nužno zahteva znakovnu telesnu tehniku i jednih i drugih.
Creating communicational connections between those who are incapable of hearing and those “capable” to vocally communicate with words is done by the use of sign language and a choice of terms which would depict the world of the individuals describing themselves with the chosen term. That’s how the term as a place of identification is achieved as a portrait out of a frame and translated into a movement, gesture as a communicational fulfillment which requires bodily sign techniques from both sides. 


"Portraits" , 2014 Video Installation Duration: 00:56 Creating communicational connections between those who are incapable of hearing and those Read More
