Profil von Dawn Tessman Visser

Rick Steves' Europe - Print Design Projects

Edited maps and created graphics for Rick Steves’ Europe guidebooks. Selected and color-corrected photos for newspaper articles, created graphics in Illustrator, and redesigned sections for guidebooks (survival phrases, calling charts). 

Favorite projects: 
- Drawing three variations of the Parthenon in Illustrator for the Greece guide book.
- Labeling body parts in Spanish for Michelangelo's David and Venus de Milo used in the Spanish Phrase Book & Dictionary.

Redesigned a large portion of the Spanish Phrase Book & Dictionary. 
Rick Steves' Europe - Print Design Projects

Rick Steves' Europe - Print Design Projects

Graphic Production Specialist/Mappie, Traffic Manager - Spanish Phrasebook: Redesigned look/layout for easier legibility; created clipping paths Mehr anzeigen

