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This book is the oeuvre of Hungarian award-winning architect Gabor Farkas. Besides his work and his own writing, interviews and fellow architects' essays are presented in this book.
The inspiration was one of his early buildings. We wanted to create a book that reflects the floors of the structure, so the book by itself is a reflection on architecture. It was divided into three main sections. In each section one may find his own writings - on white background -, colleagues' analysis - on red background - and interviews with him - on black background.
Through the process we have found out that Gabor has kept all his old mail, business cards, hand written letters and all sorts of documents. It was a huge collection of archives and a must to be included in the book. To create the same sense of old yellow paper, we introduced narrower pages with perforated edges. Here we've put documents, letters, etc., which were relevant to the text running through the pages.


Oeuvre of Hungarian award-winning architect Gabor Farkas.
