CREAK, acrylic, stensil, 140x140cm, 2015.
/ detail
"Nerves creak; which makes you feel as if you heard weeping cellos in the evening which are playing nameless agony of white sore flowers", Tin Ujević
"Immortality does not last for long here"/ assemblage, acrylic, 140x140cm, 2015.
Immortality does not last for long here, detail
Art project Recognition lies on multiannual partnership of galleries-museums, curators and artists, which represents modern art scenes and develops platforms for different forms of cultural cooperation in the region.
Recognition 3

Recognition 3

....a new, third cycle of the project which is being carried out trought a residential program held in Sićevo and Niš in 2014, but also trought a 阅读更多内容

