I’ve always been drawn to posters that catch your eye with an unexpected image, but keep your interest with details. For this poster I wanted the viewer to focus on the man's interior: these are the most beautiful elements of the original, and the most detailed parts of my impression.
The colors were a great challenge for me, as I wanted them to be surprising and nonsensical, but cohesive. The riotous colors within are a counterpoint to the white space of the hair, face, and body, the shadows achieve dimension and visibility, and together they speak to the beauty and complexity within each of us. I chose the cut-out papercraft style as a metaphor setting side by side the artist's scissors and the surgeon's scalpel. The end result is tactile and complex, with a thoughtfulness as to what lies within. 
The original 19th centuryl lithograph by Richard Quain and Joseph Maclise:
Vector Design

Vector Design

A digital paper-craft of Dr. Richard Quain's 1844 lithographic medical illustration.
