On the sad death of the great Lemmy Kilmister, leader of one of my favorite bands, I have made this model based on an illustration by Serge Birault. My intention is to print soon and put it in a nice place in my studio. Long Live Lemmy! Long Live Rock & Roll!
This is the model that was made a few months ago. To the left can be seen the Birault Illustration used as reference.
Yesterday I decided to modify the model to add the low rickenbacker (or a caricature of it, in line with the proportions and style of the figure).
Detail of the Rickenbacker bass guitar in polygroups. Modeling is very basic, and for printing exempt strings, they will be attached to the box and the mast, replacing the original strings.
Video: rotation view of finished statuette.
Lemmy Statuette


Lemmy Statuette

Tribute statuette of Lemmy Kilmister, frontman of motorhead. Rest in peace.
