Profiel van Hyun Jung Jung

Food Inspired Knitwear Collection

Twizzlers, 2015, Mohair and Merino Wool
first outfit is inspired by Twizzlers, type of a popular candy across the world. I wanted shows creaving for sweets while knowing the harmful effects on our body.  
Can I Get a Diet Coke Please?, 2015, Mohair, wool, and cotton
Second outfit is inspired by combination of burgers and Diet Coke. The front of the shirt have a pattern that resembles hamburgers, but on the other side, it says "Can I Get a Diet Coke Please." So many people these days are always on a diet. I wanted to portray people's addiction towards being on a diet, while eating junk food.
Stomach, 2015, Merino Wool and Cotton
Third outfit is covered with a pattern inspired by stomach. As the pattern is continued towards bottom, the stomach gets bigger. This dress shows how we sometimes eat exess amount of food unnecessarily. 
Food Inspired Knitwear Collection

Food Inspired Knitwear Collection

These days, we are obsessed with food. These three outfits are inspired by three unhealthy, "bad" eating lifestyle that we have today.
