Profil Curtis Skillz

NBA 2K16 - NBA x NFL Mashup

Combined NBA x NFL by using NFL teams jerseys/arenas/logos on NBA teams in NBA 2K16.
Side notes:
* NFL has 32 teams and NBA has 30 teams, so I used Cleveland Cavaliers (Browns and Steelers) and Oklahoma City Thunder (Seahawks and Chiefs) twice.
* If you want to see the complete jersey/arena/logos of a specific team, feel free to check out my youtube playlist for all 32 teams:
Los Angeles Lakers x San Francisco 49ers
Chicago Bulls x Chicago Bears
Sacramento Kings x Cincinnati Bengals
Toronto Raptors x Buffalo Bills
Denver Nuggets x Denver Broncos
Cleveland Cavaliers x Cleveland Browns
Orlando Magic x Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Phoenix Suns x Arizona Cardinals
Los Angeles Clippers x San Diego Chargers
Oklahoma City Thunder x Kansas City Chiefs
Indiana Pacers x Indianapolis Colts
Dallas Mavericks x Dallas Cowboys
Miami Heat x Miami Dolphins
Philadelphia 76ers x Philadelphia Eagles
Atlanta Hawks x Atlanta Falcons
San Antonio Spurs x Jacksonville Jaguars
Detroit Pistons x Detroit Lions
New York Knicks x New York Giants
Brooklyn Nets x New York Jets
Milwaukee Bucks x Green Bay Packers
Charlotte Hornets x Carolina Panthers
Boston Celtics x New England Patriots
Golden State Warriors x Oakland Raiders
Portland Trailblazers x St.Louis Rams
Utah Jazz x Baltimore Ravens
Washington Wizards x Washington Redskins
New Orleans Pelicans x New Orleans Saints
Oklahoma City Thunder x Seattle Seahawks
Cleveland Cavaliers x Pittsburgh Steelers
Houston Rockets x Houston Texans
Memphis Grizzlies x Tennessee Titans
Minnesota Timberwolves x Minnesota Vikings
NBA 2K16 - NBA x NFL Mashup

NBA 2K16 - NBA x NFL Mashup

Rebranded NBA Teams with NFL teams jerseys/logos/arenas in NBA 2K16.
