'I showed my masterpiece to the grown-ups, and asked them whether the drawing frightened them.
But they answered: "Frighten? Why should any one be frightened by a hat?"

My drawing was not a picture of a hat.
It was a picture of a boa constrictor digesting an elephant.
But since the grown-ups were not able to understand it, I made another drawing:
I drew the inside of a boa constrictor, so that the grown-ups could see it clearly.
They always need to have things explained...
Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves,
and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them.'
-from 'The Little Prince'
Thank you!
The Little Prince

The Little Prince

Challenging the depth and smoothness ability the 2.5 and 3 point access CNC can achieve.
