Travelling Flower, Journal
Watercolor, conte crayon, India ink, acryllic with medium, china marker, Prismacolor color pencils, pressed flowers
featured in MICA's Nature Drawing show, November 2015, Fox 2 Gallery
vine charcoal, compressed charcoal, 2B and 6B charcoal pencil
featured in MICA's Nature Drawing show, November 2015, Fox 2 Gallery
Camping, featuring Ricky Raccoon
featured in MICA's Nature Drawing show, November 2015, Fox 2 Gallery
Minerals and Shells
featured in MICA's Nature Drawing show, November 2015, Fox 2 Gallery
Changing Leaves, Meditation
watercolor, tracing paper
This piece talks about process in repetition: slowing down and taking an hour to draw and really examine a leaf at the end of the day; it became a meditative practice for me over the course of a couple weeks.
Nature Drawings

Nature Drawings

Portfolio of work from Nature Drawing exploring methods of drawing; several pieces were featured in MICA's November 2015 Nature Drawing Exhibitio 자세히 보기


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