While attending a course on Entrepreneurship, my project group and I came up with the idea for Coffeebeanies, an online platform that promotes aspiring musicians in a different, more transparent way than current platforms.
What is Coffeebeanies
Coffeebeanies was created as an online platform where musicians can upload music and customers pay what they feel that music is worth. Beside connecting talent with talent seekers, we also offer artists audio and video recordings. These recordings are sold through our online Line-Up, or music collection, and promoted on Youtube and various media. When you hear something you like, you just pay what you think is a fair price. Sounds fair? We think it is.
Media attention
Vice Magazine wrote an article about us and three of our artists made it through the qualification of the popular TV show 'Beste Singer-Songwriter van Nederland’.
My role at Coffeebeanies
I helped create the Business Plan, Marketing Plan and Financial Reporting. My role also included day-to-day operations, logo design and art direction for the website.
And then….we graduated!
With our current jobs at various agencies around the country, we have decided to put the project on hold for now. But if you want to know more, please contact me at [email]


Coffeebeanies gives new talented artists the change to breakthrough in an transparent industry.


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