“Perilous Ascent” is an ongoing personal project which investigates the extent that digital media can be used not as a substitute for traditional methods but a genuine, destination of choice for fine art creation.
The work is an investigation of a previous project titled “Luna”, where I felt the underlying concepts and principals were an opportunity for further development.
The theme of the work is to face and conquer your fears and doubts.
“Perilous Ascent”: Conquer Your Fear and Doubt
“Guardian": alternate composition
Experiments in colour
Investigations in B&W
Hand drawn sketches in ink
“Fear”: temptation to give up, overwhelmed by the action ahead
In my original thoughts for the work, figures where wading in water in the front of the image but in the final work it upset the symmetry and balance so the figures were not included. One of these figures, “Moon Goddess”, has become a work in itself and interestingly “Luna” was the basis of the original concept.
“Gemini”: opposite philosophies
  Thank you


This work is a development of a previous project the theme of the work is to overcome fear and doubt.
