This painting is depicting my feeling when I'm listening to my favourite songs.
They infect me with their beautiful and sorrowful voice.
Sometimes it makes me cry so I drew uncoloured magnolia petals in those faces.
Magnolia petals are depicting that tears are fluttering.
That face could be mine or theirs.
Those flowing mint, lavender and purple colours are depicting that I'm being infected by songs.
Their voice melting my heart so I painted like that.
Also feeling are different so I used diffent colours to depict it.
That magnolia flower with little snow in the middle of the painting is also depicting my feeling.
That snow could be tears or real snow.
Because of their voice snow is being melting and tears are falling in my mind.
Just they are blowing in my mind like breeze.
Thank you very much!
Permeating through

Permeating through

Copyright ⓒ 2015 Soneipsul Illurs.
