Fall 2015 
Typography 1 
Develop a concept for a new typeface whose forms relate to an 9x9 square grid. Each box in the grid must be either “on“ or “off“, black or white. Because of the constraints of the grid, you can’t have curves or true diagonals. Don’t just substitute these with a “staircase.“ Be intentional. Think about how constraints can inspire form. 
To get used to the limitations of the grid, begin by representing the capital A in eight different ways on a sheet of graph paper. Once you’ve settled on a direction draw the B, C, H, Q, R, S, in upper-case only. Consider proportion, weight, and consistency – especially in structural decisions such as the height of cross bars, how elements end, how to accommodate curves and diagonals within the grid of squares, etc. Play with legibility. Is it possible to have a serif? A partial serif? Make a system for your typeface and follow it for the entire alphabet (upper or lowercase).
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Typeface Design
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Typeface Design

Develop a concept for a new typeface whose forms relate to an 9x9 square grid. Each box in the grid must be either “on“ or “off“, black or white. Daha Fazla Bilgi

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