Salathiel Wells 的个人资料

S.T.A.R Logo Design

Logo Design 
Students Taking Active Roles (S.T.A.R) Club
Project Goals
To create a logo for the club that reflects its mission, which is, "Taking [an] active role to explore life's potentials as a diverse community and grow into mutually understanding individuals who make a peaceful future possible". 
United World College ("UWC") Logo
The client wanted to draw inspiration from the United World College's ("UWC") movement as the mission of the Club aligns very closely to that of the UWC movement
First iteration
Second iteration
Third iteration
Final Iteration Development
Guiding Words
open     +     unique     +     connected
Guides + Color Scheme
These colours were to be applied to each individual portion of the logo represeinting the uniqueness of the indivual members. 
The Gestalt principle of closure was utlized through the star being formed by the connected person symbols, a direct derivative of the club's name. 
The rounded corners of the typeface for the acronym accentuate a friendly and open atmosphere and the thin type underneath the acronym defining the letters and the gradient of the colour palette in the acronym highlights modern themes.   
Final Form
The final logo was greatly appreciated by the client. The lowered opacity on the icon is representative of the open nature of the club, the overlapping figures show the connectedness that the club wants to achieve in their mission statement. 
S.T.A.R Logo Design

S.T.A.R Logo Design

Logo design to encapsulate the club's mission
