In my Jewelry Concepts course we delved into wire construction; we learned different methods for connecting the joints and when we should use those methods. For our project we had to take an object (could be a picture but an actual object was preferred) and use that as inspiration for our wire construction. It could either be bisected (line mine is) or it could have wires on both sides. I used 18G and 16G brass for this project. 

My object I used for inspiration was a stuffed bunny that my late oma (German for grandma) kept in her room at the nursing home. My oma had anxiety and as a result her hands would often shake. The shaking seemed to lessen when she clutched this little stuffed bunny in her hand. After she passed away in June my grandpa gave me the stuffed animals she had in her room. 

I was extremely excited about this project. I was a little nervous when it came to soldering my joints together because I was worried that another seam would come apart (I used lots of white out) or that my wire would melt but it was actually fairly successful. I almost considered using wires on both sides but I thought it would be a bit too much. Instead, I put wires for the ears on the other side. If I could go back in time and do this project all over, I would have worked on connecting the face first and the ears last as it was very difficult trying to make sure the face was aligned properly. After I soldered and cleaned up everything, I polished the piece to make it look nice and shiny. 



Wire constructed bunny pendant inspired by my late grandmother for my Jewelry Concepts course.
