Perfil de Nika Che

Competitive work "Casual style"

С этой работой связана смешная ситуация. Я приняла участие в конкурсе, призом в котором было бесплатное участие в мастер-классе по fashion иллюстрации. Участников было мало и я выиграла. НО! Видать я еще тот везунчик, ведь в итоге сам мастер-класс так и не состоялся.
Жаль, мне очень хотелось порисовать на бумаге, а не в Фотошопе.
//With this work involves a funny situation. I took part in a contest in which it was free participation in a workshop on fashion illustration. Participants were few and I won. BUT! Looks like I'm still the lucky, because in the end he workshop did not take place.
Sadness, I wanted to draw something on paper and not in Photoshop.
Competitive work "Casual style"
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Competitive work "Casual style"

With this work involves a funny situation. I took part in a contest in which it was free participation in a workshop on fashion illustration. Par Ver mais

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