The Track of Soul
Bottle is a container. It not only holds liquid, but also carries emotions and feelings. Seeing from a designer’s perspective, the lifeless glass bottles are redefined, thus they are able to bring up sensory experience and reflect our growth course.

This is a public exhibition in Shanghai 800 Art Discrict, Octorber 15~16th,2011.

“The track of soul” is the theme of this exhibition, it is created to reflect philosophy of life by glass bottle installation art.

Our aim is to dig up the art value of waste material, all of which may have the potential to be unique art pieces. We wish to spread the concept of “Waste material as Art forms” through this platform.
The Track of Soul

The Track of Soul

“The track of soul” is the theme of this exhibition, it is created to reflect philosophy of life by glass bottle installation art. Our aim is to 閱讀更多


