Breakout Game
Created at the University of Central Lancashire
Language: C++
API: TL-Engine
IDE: Visual Studio
In the second year of the games development course, the first lab sheet is to team up with 4 people and create a Breakout style game, supplied with a few sprites we are asked to create the game with a given specification. The game is to be created in UCLan's own game Engine. The bat must move, the ball must move and hit the bats and blocks etc.
Extra features were to add a menu and high score system, partical systems and explosions.
I created this after the first quarter of the first year because I was finished with the work required for my first years study.
Currently the game is missing a high score system being read from a data file and particle systems. I would like to also improve the collision detection and resolution to create a better feel to the game at a less cost to the performance.
 This image is the first mockup of the game before the level select feature was added. It was used to test the basic functionality of the game and that the core components were working correctly 

This is the level select screen where the player can select which level to load and play.
The next 6 images are screenshots of the levels.
The high scores screen which is currently unfinished.


A game created in UCLan's game engine called TL Engine. All sprites were supplied except the menu buttons which were taken from another game.
