Ford Magazine
Layout design and photo manipulations
Client: Ford Netherlands
Agency: Ogilvy Amsterdam

Description: The Ford Magazine consist of sixteen pages with on every spread a different Ford model to showcase. But the photographs don't always suit the page size, so we manipulate the bleed of the picture to make it fit. And sometimes we just want the models besides each other or even in a different scenery. In the images below i will showcase some of my manipulations and the associated layouts done in the past years for the Ford Magazines.
Original images, photo manipulation and the layout result on the Grand C-MAX/C-MAX spread.
Original images, photo manipulation and the layout result on the C-MAX spread.
Original images, photo manipulation and the layout result on the Ford Focus spread.
Original images, photo manipulation and the layout result on the Ford Ka Metal spread.
Ford magazine

Ford magazine

Layout design and photo retouche/manipulation for the Ford Magazine (Netherlands)
