Sleeping Light

“Twinkle, twinkle, little star…” mother sang to us late at night. And father was fighting monsters in the closet and under our bed to let us sleep peacefully for the whole night. Do you remember that? We’re grown-ups now but those memories remain vivid. They have driven us to a concept of the Sleeping Lights, specially made for those who are afraid of darkness. With this lamp you can either tell a story of walls that guard your child or hang it on as a self-standing graphic solution for your own bedroom. Sleeping light will make it out in black-and-white bathroom, minimalistic hall or bedroom for young and romantic couple. Simple design will let the piece fit into interior and tell your own night story.
Designers: Tsaruk Igor, Ahmadova Marina
Sleeping Light


Sleeping Light

«Глазки закрывай, баю-баййй…» — пела в детстве мама, пока папа выгонял монстров из-под кровати, чтобы мы не боялись темноты. И наш светильник мы 阅读更多内容
