Profil appartenant à Judith Martinez

Character Design: Monstruous Biker Gang

Rocco: Vulture guy, The Red Amazon's right hand. I don't have much sketches or concepts about him, though. (Curse you, deadline!)
The Red Amazon and Faris.
Faris, from the rival gang the "Magnolia Vandals" is a nechromancer with smokey hair. He pulls out corpses from there.
Gabriel: A silver-tongued demon. He's a lone wolf (antihero) who sides with whoever gains his approval, or offers him a reward.
The Red Amazon: Leader of the Hero's biker gang. She is a vampire, and usually wears full-body armour to protect her from the Sun in daytime
Leapfrog: Leader of the rival gang: "The Magnolia Vandals". She is very vain, has great taste in clothes and drinks. She's also kind of a douche. I was exploring the ideas of toad+frog+spider area.
KING: The "mascot" of the main biker gang. It ss always seen with Klaus, and never leaves his side. It only speaks to Klaus.
KING's character variations
KING's first design's bone structure
Leapfrog's initial design's bone structure
Leapfrog's design variations
Klau's design variations
Klaus: Main character of the story. The Gang's main fighter/muscle. He's a very though, silent guy with a heart of gold. After a bike accident, his main arms were ripped off. He can not drive his bike, KING is more than happy to sit on his lap and drive for him.
Klau's skeletal and exoskeletal structure
KING's expression and posing sheet
Klau's expression sheet, and pose sheet
Leapfrog's expression and pose sheets
Leapfrog's turnaround
Final lineup!
Character Design: Monstruous Biker Gang
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Character Design: Monstruous Biker Gang

Process on designing a monstruous biker gang. Had a ton of designs, sadly, I only had the chance to develop 3 of them until the end.

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