Perfil de Dave Henderson

Makers|Cafe 3D Printed Cups - 2014

Three dimensional print bureau and design space cafe 'Makers|Cafe' in London inspire their customers to work alongside eachother, formulate new ideas together and collaborate in many aspects of their designs. In essence of this, a concept for 3D printed, customisable cups has been produced for this company to provide a greater reason for designers and others to eat, drink and socialise in their establishment.
The addition of this service will not only attract more designers, but may also be a gateway into three dimensional printing and design for amateurs that are just beginning to spring an interest in these modern technologies. This would add a fun, personal aspect to all of the customers coffee breaks and would be a great topic for conversation whilst spending time in the cafe.
Makers|Cafe 3D Printed Cups - 2014
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Makers|Cafe 3D Printed Cups - 2014

Choose your own cup with the 3D printed customisable range.

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