DA project in Digital art, developed at the University of Arts in Belgrade
Interactive digital light installation
Year: 2016/2017.
Doctoral art project Flickering story explores ways in which contemporary architecture becomes intuitive, poetic by creatively adopting digital technology as a new dimension of space. By transferring the interactivity concept from screen into the physical space, an interactive digital light installation reacts to movement and presence of people. In a dynamic play of glimmer and sound, it creates flickering stories about some of the most intense human emotions, associatively linked to specific colors. In correlation to website, the installation merges physical and digital worlds and enables visitors to intuitively reveal the content and affect the poetics of the whole space.
The night. I flicker. I feel. (2016), solo exhibition, Roman Well, Belgrade fortress, Night of Museums 2016.

Experimenting with the interactivity concept in historical public places
Flickering story (2017), solo exhibition, presentation of DA project, Digital gallery, Ilija M. Kolarac Endowment.

Experimenting with the interactivity concept in contemporary art gallery​​​​​​​ spaces
Design and development of the website connected to the installation.

Experimenting with various forms of optical tags, that link part of the installation with the web page about the specific feeling and color

Initial form of QR code and artistic QR code, inspired by the aesthetics of the light installation
Design of interactive cards
Official video presentation of the project, filmed at the Kolektiv Gallery, Belgrade
Flickering story

Flickering story

Flickering story is an artistic PhD project that explores dynamic relationship between emotions, colors and space, by creating dynamic three-dime Развернуть
