Stefan Leijon's profile

Rumble Recordings (2001)

Rumble Recordings
Drum & Bass record label
 Print ad for Atmosphere Magazine (UK), Knowledge Magazine (UK) and URB Magazine (USA)
Record sleeve for vinyl records.
Center label for the vinyl record release of catalog number RUM002.
Center label for the vinyl record release of catalog number RUM002.
Client: Rumble Recordings.
When: Dec 2001
Role: Designer.
About: Artwork for Drum & Bass label Rumble Recordings.

Designs were used for record sleeves, record labels, print ads, stickers etc.
Rumble Recordings (2001)

Rumble Recordings (2001)

Client: Rumble Recordings. When: Dec 2001 Role: Designer. About: Artwork for Drum & Bass label Rumble Recordings. Designs were used for record s Read More
