Tom Sundberg's profile

Family Lineline: Collateral

Challenge: Create a series of print collateral for the oldest non-profit organization in Virginia, Family Lifeline, that would highlight their programs in the community. They partner with families and individuals delivering healthy, meaningful support.

Solution: I worked with a copywriter to come up with a series of branded inserts and a pocket folder to hold them along with other pertinent material. The 10 inserts were also used as leave-behinds at the various partnered organizations for clients and visitors to pick up.

Tools: Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator and Acrobat
Pocket folder cover
Pocket folder with inserts and business card in slits
Four of ten inserts that highlight the programs of Family Lifeline. Program details are on the backside.
Family Lineline: Collateral


Family Lineline: Collateral

Create a fresh identity for a 100+ year old non-profit organization. A Richmond agency brought me in for this task which included a pocket folder Read More
