How has technology helped me with my project? Technology has helped me in many ways, being able to crop, rotate, color without having to pick up a single pencil or brush. It has helped me learn because without it I wouldn’t be able to research things like how to use certain tools in illustrator.
How did technology help me with sketching? Technology has helped me with sketching because I used examples from pinterest and google images to gain ideas for my monster. We might not of used technology for the sketch part but I definitely used it for the idea part of brainstorming.

If technology did not exist then I don’t know how I can communicate the message of my monster. Maybe with my sketches I can sketch my city best I could and show what I was trying to show in illustrator in my sketches.
Pinterest board:
Where does your character live?
Where is your character from?
an underwater storage science lab
How old is your character?
What is your character called?
What does your character look like?
octopus robot
What kind of childhood did your character have?
A baby robot
What does your character do for a living?
plans for a big attack
How does your character deal with conflict and change?
he waits he becomes patient   
Who else is in your character’s life?
a crazy scientist who lives underwater with him
What is your character’s motivation in this scene that you will illustrate?
to reek havoc on a city
Monster project

Monster project

robot monster
