Matthew Vella's profile

BA Senior Design Portfolio

Building Awareness
Our first project we worked one-on-one with another student; we were to ask a series of questions in an interview format to, create images which visually depicted our collegues unique personality. My partner was Ramón Villasenor. The first image was to be purely visual with no text, while the second one was purely text.
The monarch wing ws a metaphor for the region of Michoacán, Mexicao, where Ramón was born and much like the buterryfly, migrated north to California with his family. The all seeing eye is a representation of how he has an eye for detail, unlike any of his friends, which helped him find his path of pursuing graphic design. Lastly, the end portrays how Ramón uses his gifts to give back. I also explored alternative mediums to create the texture in the wing.
I found the best way to show Ramón's unique personality was to continue deigning with the metaphor of the monarch butterfly, and to do that I chose to write a poem about his journey to California. I then arranged the poem, by sentence, in clusters about the sperad, grouped like butterflies (kaleidoscope) in migration.
Discovering the Relationship Between Design and Human Experience
With this project, our class was introduced to a new thought and method of designing, using the Sea Change Design Process. This process taught us to unlock our unconscious mind and find a defining moment in our life; from that moment we would learn a lesson that would help us determine a calling intention which we could design with throughout our careers by helping to find our style.
I continued exploring texture in this project, much like I did with the wing of the monarch butterfly in the first project. I decided to do a study on rope becuse of it's unique form, which I felt played well into my calling intention (above in the poster). The rope shown coming apart was a metaphor for freedom, while it also touches on unity; although the rope is coming apart it is also made up of many strands which unifies it all as one.
Leveraging Your Callings into Organizational Intentions
Our final project was to work as a group (Jordan Alabano, Nam Dinh, Deizuree Troung & Jason Suryoutomo) with similar calling intentions as our own, collectively discover those similarities, design a new calling intention from them, and finally create a non-profit oraganization that dealt with water in some form. We continued with the Sea Change Design Process to help build our organzation with thie use of the ripple story.
How can Aqualine build an alliance with international corporations & world leaders to acknowledge water as a human right ro instill prosperity and universal peace?
One of our projects was to work with a fellow group (Aquality) in our class to help them distribute their artifacts and help raise donatinos to build them.
BA Senior Design Portfolio

BA Senior Design Portfolio

A collection of three projects from my senior design class at San José State University.
