
This is a graphical »about me« project. 
I tried [to visualize] my_work, my_life and everything else.

Have ./a look_.
hello again.

This is_me.
[Konrad, 26 years. student, foolish].
Logo process [...] // still_awaiting moderation.
You can also find me out_there./
In the internet.
Okay, it's only in german available, [I will fix that].
This is [everthing I_need for] a good day.
Okay /.I forgot the food.
And [this is] my_working desk.
That's it./ 
Hope [you enjoyed./. Cheers].
about me

about me

hello. This is a graphical "about me" project. I tried to visualize my work, my life and everthing else. Have a look.
