Lourenço Vaz Pinto sin profil

Logo for Non Profit Organisation: Vintedar

Vintedar Logo
The request was simple, make a Logo for a new non-profit Organisation in Guinea Bissau, that will have a number of projects.
For example they are curruntly in the processe of constructing a school for adults that can't read.
The name Vintedar is a junction of two words "vinte" and "dar" which means in Portuguese "I came to give" but the first word also means twenty.
They requested that in the Logo the three philosofic pilars are stated in it.
Desenvolver - Develop
Apoiar - Support
Responsabilizar - to make responsable
I inserted the hand since in a way it represents giving and helping but the font was all wrong.
it was at that moment that I created the "20DAR" as way to make it shorter and simpler to recognize.
I tried diferent ways to position the logo  the hands and the three words.
Soon I discarted the Idea of the hands and went with a more simbolic symbol, the cog meaning develop, the waterto make responsible since its a very importante resource in the area, and the plants that would support the people. It was also easier to spot in small places like brochurs for documents.
I changed the water, to the book to make it more memorable.
Althought I liked  that last one, maybe I thought that I should keep striping the logo to the very basics, but i remenbered to not make it to simple because if I did that it would lose personality.
After going back to the drawing board and doing many versions, this was the final product, simple but not to simple, and it still transpires the values of the organization in general!
If you wish to check their website and maybe even support them here it is:
Logo for Non Profit Organisation: Vintedar

Logo for Non Profit Organisation: Vintedar

A simple Logo for an organisation with not so simple task.
