For this project, students were asked to create a photo story out of an event of thier lives, or someone else's lives. I chose to do mines over my first experience long boarding.
I've always wanted to learn how to longboard. So my friend finally got the opportunity to show me the ropes.
An up close photo of the longboards design. Also the location in which the user find their central core so that they balance on the board.
Me and the ground become better acquainted as I learn that balance isn't so easily discovered. Falling sucks but I suppose one can see it as simply part of the learning process
Getting the hang of how to work the longboard. Steering proves challenging as well
Actually getting used to the feel of the longboard is pretty enjoyable. Coasting and enjoying the scenic path and sunny day makes the learning this worthwhile.
My friend, Angie shows me how its properly done.
Photo Story

Photo Story

Photo story of myself learning how to properly longboard with my friend, Angela
