you can visit the website at
when the nav is open over the home page
what the nav looks like open over the page
Above are screenshots from my coded website that I made on Typography. The project was for us to make a text based website using articles about three different areas of typography. These screenshots above are from my final website. Below is my process which will include my sketches, comps, etc. 
Above were my final comps in Indesign before I moved onto coding in Dreamweaver. 
Above this is my second comp in Indesign
Above were my third set of comps. 
Above were my second set of comps. 
Above were my first set of comps. 
Typography Website
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Typography Website

A project for my typography class (IDD 370) where we had to use web type to make a typography website. The website could only be text based and h Lire la suite

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