Anaptár is a unique, informative poster calendar, which is not only a work of beauty but also a source of fascinating new discoveries. The latest versions of the Red Dot 2015 winner and German Design Award 2016 nominated Anaptár are already available.
Anaptár is much more than a traditional calendar. It provides lots of information beside enumerating days: visualizing data on the Sun and the Moon in a new way the calendar shows the movement of these planets in the sky, and because of the radial arrangement this huge amount of data is incorporated in a spectacular, complex and yet easily comprehensible system.
Thanks to the extremely precise infographic mapping of the calendar data and of the parameters of the orbit of the Moon, and the unique graphic and typographic features, Anaptár offers exciting visual experiences even for those viewers who are usually not captured by details.

There have been other calendars with circular designs, but this data visualizing method is unexampled. It literally makes astronomic correlations visible. The development of this new representation of lunar data was inspired by the calendars of Très Riches Heures du duc de Berry, Giovanni Battista Agnese and Clipclop.
Anaptár is a special lunar cycle infographics, which shows seasons, months, weeks, days and holidays of a given year as well as solstices, equinoxes, the beginning and the end of summer and wintertime (daylight saving time), and even information like hours of sunshine, dawn, sunrise, culmination of the Sun, sunset, dusk, lunar cycles, moonrise, moonset, culmination of the Moon, declination of the Moon and the alteration of the distance between the Moon and the Earth.

Anaptár is the result of exceptionally meticulous work: all the versions made for various cities are different because the represented data are specific to the given city only. From 2016 Anaptár has versions adapted for the geographic locations of Berlin, Budapest, London, New York, Vienna and Copenhagen.
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anaptár 2016

anaptár 2016

