Cleopatra Hornitzky profili

UBank Internet Banking App (iOS & Android)


I was the mobile banking app designer for UBank's iOS apps. My favourite feature to work on was an integrated solution with third-party home loan management system, StarNet, because it was the most challenging.

• Project and system requirements gathering
• Interstate stakeholder meetings & presentations
• Contextual inquiries with customer service team
• User interviews
• Feature prioritisation
• Mapping (Information architecture, screen flows, inward & outward paths)
• Workshop facilitation
• Wireframing
• Interaction design
• Visual design
• Usability testing
• Design QA
• Authoring developer documentation

• Determining and planning all above activities
Ensuring that the final solutions were viable and met user and business needs  • Collaborating with product owners, change management, business analysts, developers, design, sales and proposition, marketing, customer care and the leadership team
UBank Internet Banking App (iOS & Android)
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