----your one-app express to efficient parking 
Designer: Weiwei Zhang
Ideation: Sticky Notes Nebula
Ideation: Freewriting
Rough Design Layout
“Easyparking”, to help people find parking spaces more easily. The system works in the following way. Every spot in the parking lot is installed with an infrared detector overhead to probe whether a spot is taken, and each detector is connected to the lot’s central computer through signal receiver and electronic transfer. The central computer is linked to the Internet. We’ll create a software Easyparking, which will be installed in our smartphones and run by mobile signal or WiFi. Wherever you open Easyparking, it’ll show you a map of the whole parking lot with available parking space numbers like A238, B569 on your phone, so that you can find one free spot easily. After you park your car in a space, you should mark the space as “My Space” on the map, so that you can easily find your car later.
The system can be piloted in big city parking lots and then used in other public parking lots and even smaller cities.  Easyparking can also be a platform for malls to advertise themselves, so that the advertisement income can pay back the cost of developing this system.
Low-Fi: Storyboard
3) Additional Quantitative &User Research
High-Fi: Driver's End App
Thank You!
---Dec. 6, 2015


Easyparking---a system of mechanical and software app design that help searching for available parking spots


Creative Fields