How Narrative Can Guide Revenue Streams
A huge passion of mine and it is actually what my long term vision entails is "Unlocking potential" I find that this simple 2 word phrase guide most of my actions. Long before it became an overused filler this phrase has touched me on a personal level after years of standardized education left me believing I have no potential or value to deliver. 
Thus I was keen on sharing or trying to spark this feeling in others, that feeling you get when you realize that something you thought was impossible is in fact within arm's length. That split second of realization is what drives me. Thus I have worked on pro bono workshops that introduce NGOS to HCD in aims of transitioning into more sustainable user centered models. 
INAASH is an NGO that aims to empower Palestinian women refugees and preserve the culture of Palestinian cross stitch (sadly a dying craft). They do so by providing women in several camps across Lebanon with designs and patterns to produce products that are then sold to retailers, exhibitors and in their own showroom. This means that "the Social Enterprise" is actually in their DNA, however, as most NGOs are and especially in this part of the world they are heavily dependent on fundraising and have never operated with a business mentality. This has unfortunately placed them in a spot where the number of women they can employ decreased risking their ultimate vision for the NGO. Thus came a strategic decision to move into a fashion brand, I was asked to present a vision for this transition.  
The orange is a highly symbolic icon in Palestinian culture, many of the most celebrated Palestinian poets and artists employed this citrus fruit indigenous to Palestinian agriculture and heritage to play a role in their metaphors, renditions and messages. I personally found it highly poetic but also used this fruit to expand on a narrative that helped me identify four directions and revenue streams that can revive Inaash (ironically that is the direct translation of the word INASSH).
this is a rough illustration (Using BMC For ease of communication & to help clients understand the proposal better
To identify a revenue stream, one must first understand the several consumers of fashion, understand the story of their own product and how can it engage with different customer segments in different intensities and with variable objectives. 
Naturally the NGO is set up to extend into a fashion brand, something they have at the time without an over arching strategy for design, product type and quantities as well as a defined channel strategy. 
Another existing revenue stream which exists but is un-evolved or expanded on is utilizing the network of craftswomen to supply other brands with cross stitching service. This has been happening organically, however, by identifying relevant brands and speaking to their story of "conscious consumerism and ethical sustainable fashion" the network of collaborating brand can grow exponentially. 
Fundraising is a constant task and for most NGOs around the world a survival necessity, people committed to the cause who attend yearly fundraisers should not be dropped or alienated. However, novel methods of tapping into this network of funders for assets that exceed monetary value need to be considered. In fashion contacts and PR can catapult a brand into the A list status and thus novel fundraising that incorporates "Social Hackathons" or "speed connecting" could be considered. 
Another approach would have to be creating a product that really carries the narrative of these women, of the palestinian refugee story, the cross contamination that happens when families and lives are displaced to other countries and the resilience they conjure through their work and craft. This alone with a well branded effort can achieve viral status and allow for the NGO to transition into a more sustainable funding stream.
The structure of the organization and the actual mode of work/ craft lends itself to lead in the fashion customization arena. A thriving edge to every luxury brand and up and coming fashion startups and even tech startups around the world.  
Hence an effective, highly marketable and lucrative revenue stream would be to establish a customization service as an appendage to existing retailers in the region. 
Eventually for any of these to work, they would have to be rolled out using lean methods, tested and iterated upon. Thus the NGO will have to operate in a manner that allows it test and be self sufficient. Given that most major activities needed require strong marketing, PR and business development skills the organization will have to transition into what might at first appear to be a LEAN new media and PR company however this will grow. 
I cannot include further details that might compromise the client's privileges, however I would like to end with one of my favorite pieces ever created that speak the Palestinian narrative beautifully by Helmi El Touni. 


Guiding an NGO in its transition to Social Business/ Enterprise.


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