Weak Foundations
The Apparent Crumbling of the Pittsburgh Pirates
 Futility has cursed the Pittsburgh Pirates more or less since their last winning season in 1992 (The year they traded Barry Bonds). I did this illustration to accompany an article that shed some light on this disappointing situation that Pittsburgh fans find themselves in.

Pirates fans were excited when the team received their new stadium in 2001, thinking that ownership would build up the roster in order to contend for a championship. Unfortunately for the fans, the ownership did the exact opposite by signing no meaningful free agents and trading away any player that cost the team a buck, and consequently putting that money straight into their pockets. This has been the trend for the last few years, resulting in the Pirates being left with a crumbling foundation of unrecognizable players.

Weak Foundations

Weak Foundations

This was a project constructed for a Black and White Illustration class I took Fall semester of 2011. an editorial illustration to accompany an a 阅读更多内容


