Bildung anführen

How to design a book with essays of educational science, written by different authors, to be a pleasure to read? How to structure its various elements to guide readers easily yet make it become one entity? How to design and integrate charts and tables with only one colour? 

I solved these problems by using different approaches like the handy book size, with enough white space for a friendly appearence, a distinct two-layer-layout for content and secondary informations, using extremly legible typefaces (also to separate content, organizing elements and secondary informations again), bold introduction spreads for each essay, living column titles that be used for searching other authors or titles quickly by flipping the pages, or, not least, a yellowish-white paper for non-fatiguing reading.

Find the book on the publisher’s website

360 pages, 148×225 mm. Set in Bembo MT Book and Fakt Pro. Printed on Alster Werkdruck 90g yellowish-white paper stock. Soft cover with flaps. Summer 2015.

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Bildung anführen

Bildung anführen

“Bildung anführen” (German for “to lead education”) is a book with several essays of educational science, written by different authors.
