Henkilön Taariq Shah Gilani profiili

Reactive Elements - Thesis IVSAA 2010 Campaign web+film

Reactive Elements

The initial struggle to save the reserves and come up with a better solution instead of running our one and only planet dry of its resources was a grand and noble gesture when the study of harnessing nuclear energy for the betterment of mankind was initiated in the early 1930’s. Sadly with time and more of this toxic enemy within reach, it became a power struggle, a nuclear power struggle. As a part of this very race and a mere element of the grand picture,  the aim of my thesis was to create awareness for the fellow human to the consequences of this powerfully fatal terror, the Nuclear Power. 

An organization called “Reactive Elements” which comprises of people from all over the planet, working towards making others responsive about the adverse effects of nuclear power/weapons and in turn promoting alternate sources of energy. In order to be able to get the message across to any and everybody, the initiation of this understanding was possible through a global channel, and thus the website. This is mainly feasible and the most part effective method to get the message/design across. The aim of the organization is to inform the youth of the mortal waste generated while trying to harness nuclear energy, creating possible means to deviate from the toxic path and work towards making life worth living by utilizing the given elements for our needs and requirements.

application & appearance
functionality & availability (blogging)
initial mock page
spacing to a room
division of information / data
the nuclear reactor
final layout / one page- side scroll
functioning pages
1. Data distribution / Information
2. Print design poster campaign
3. Short film SHERRU + campaign
4. Nuclear disaster facts (top scroller )
5. Blog spot
6. Sign up form
1930 the first electricity produced by nuclear fission 
Reactive Elements - Thesis IVSAA 2010 Campaign web+film

Reactive Elements - Thesis IVSAA 2010 Campaign web+film

My Thesis, a social awareness campaign promoting better and available sources of energy other than nuclear, for the batch of 2010 at The Indus va Lue lisää
