RUBUS CONVERSION_Edible Art by Marta Grossi


RUBUS CONVERSION is a collection of edible organic paintings,
created with 3 different kind of fruit essence-juice: 
raspberries, blueberries, blackberries.

Following my previous concept and philosophy:
"a temporary space and love to prove that inspiration is everywhere” 
(from Banana Graffiti) this time I drink my paintings.

I find inspirations in simple things, daily life and organic supports.
While I already explored the skin or surface with graffiti, now I focused more on the essence.
There is an infinite multitude of shades you can get just releasing water or adding some edible pigments.

The single fruit is converted from reality to illustration, from 3d to 2d.
But the substance is still the same.

After I created this painting, I drank all the juices and vitamins I used as my special ink. 
5 raspberries, 10 blueberries,
4 blackberries, water, art paper, edible pigments.

All photos were captured with my iPhone.

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Rubus Conversion


Rubus Conversion

RUBUS CONVERSION is a collection of edible paintings, created with 3 different kind of fruit essence-juice: raspberries, blueberries, blackberrie Read More
