Super Peepers:
This piece is a Tesselation I created in intro to Multimedia using Adobe Illistrator. The purpose of this project was to create an eye catching pattern and use Illistrator without a book holding our hands, we proved what we knew. Creating this project was our first real assigment in the world of graphic design. It was the door opening for us to be more creative.
The colors of this project are heavily X-Ray and Vav inspired, an online super duo who are their own fan club. In the beginning I wanted to recreate their symbols as my tessellation, but it quickly became something else. I noticed the way black popped against green and a 3D creation started to emerge. I started to play with the way flat colors can show depth. I think in a way this is the real outcome I wanted, something unique and sure to catch the eye.
Top Tape Productions:
when it comes to internet fame you need a brand to be recognized by, with adobe Illustrator I did just that. This project objective was to prove we knew how to make effective logos using techiniques like colors. Every color stands for something and makes logos more attractive and recognizable. People remember specific colors a lot, that and symbol shapes. Somehting simple and colorful is the key.
To me the coolest things people used were tapes, as someone who likes to film and do sound recording I figured what better way to show it. A tape recorder is iconic to most kids these days and parents, a timeless invention - not in the sense it's used but in the sense it was. As a whole it may seem dull, but with the red play button I like to think it subconsiouly pulls people in towatching to hit the button and watch. I'm proud of this icon, if I ever do create a company i'd like to use it becuase it really shows a part of me.   
Super Peepers

Super Peepers

In introduction to multimedia I worked on branding myself making projects for YouTube or just to show my skills on my pages to keep myself memora Read More
