Perfil de Frida Sky

Children on the road

Children on the road | episode 5
Families from Syria arrived in our little village. I'm really happy to say that we have new friends!!! I know the way they have to go for now - being homeless in a foreign country. I hope 🎶 Oh They get by with a little help from their friends! 🎶 With all my love and respect for what they had to experience. --
We spoke about their travel from Syria to Germany ...
We decided to stage together a few pictures to continue this series #for_a_free_and_peaceful_world.
I feel really happy to see how people get involved in our little village to help Syrian refugees. I also love to see my little boys making new friendships with their children.
Episode 4 : Where are the children? Children are still on the road loosing their soul...
Adventurous children | episode 1
A few month ago I start staging this series about families and children who are forced to leave their homeland.
Children on the road


Children on the road

J'ai commencé ce projet alors que les premiers réfugiés syriens affluaient aux portes de l'Europe. Les premières photos sont des mises en scène f Leer más


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