This little mouse character is in process of development for a kid's book. He is completely illustrated in Photoshop utilizing the pen tool, brush tool and gallery filters.
This little character is a continuation of the little mouse for a kid's book. He is completely illustrated in Photoshop utilizing the pen tool, brush tool and gallery filters.
This illustration of the little mouse character is a continuation of the little mouse for a kid's book. He is completely illustrated in Photoshop utilizing the pen tool, brush tool and gallery filters.
This illustration of the little mouse character is a continuation of the little mouse for a kid's book. He is completely illustrated in Photoshop utilizing the pen tool, brush tool and gallery filters...more to come...
The Hipster X-mas Fox is completely created in Adobe Illustrator. Utilizing the pen tool color blends, the 3D function and patterns created in Illustrator.
The Owl-Moon illustration was completely accomplished in Photoshop. Utilizing the pen tool, brush tool, gallery filters and an image of the moon and clouds.
The hand, sleeve and cuff were created in Adobe Illustrator, placed in Photoshop and edges finessed and a shadow added in Photoshop.
The Bunny illustration was completely accomplished in Photoshop. Utilizing the pen tool, brush tool, gallery filters.
The Veggie illustrations were completely accomplished in Photoshop. Utilizing the pen tool, brush tool, gallery filters and photographs that I took of the various vegetables.
The Holiday illustration was accomplished using Adobe Photoshop, the birch trees and leaves were created in Adobe Illustrator.


Illustration and Character Design
