Working alongside of ESPN's research department, this project was aiming at reconnecting to the core of Extreme Sports participants in order for the event to retain a sense of authenticity. The project entailed interviews with a mix of skateboarders, BMX riders, snowboarders and motocross athletes in Portland, Los Angeles and Phoenix. Over 80 in-home interviews were conducted as well as interviews with industry insiders in New York and Los Angeles. I was responsible for recruiting all participants, scheduling all interviews as well as coordinating travel for all clients attending interviews. The project also included "scene immersions" in each of the city where I created a map and led the clients on a tour of area skate parks, motocross tracks as well as directional stores.

As a result of the research, ESPN began airing more action sports throughout the year on its channels as well as including more action sports coverage on its website. The games also added a video clip competition to its skateboarding events.
ESPN/X Games

ESPN/X Games

Research findings and interview footage only available to clients.


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