Perfil de Gabriella Calamari

Every Child Deserves Innocence

Every Child Deserves Innocence
The Story of Missing Children - Diagrammatic Statistics
I chose the topic of missing children because I felt that it was a powerful subject that would shed light on facts that not many people know about. I was astonished to realize just how large the number of missing children is. The information and facts were at times both hard to read, and to believe. The statistics are astonishing. Facts about publicity for Missing Children cases also got me interested in spreading the news. In my design I took information from the leading missing children companies, The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, Amber Alert, and Take 25. Since all of the companies work together I combine their data together to create an overall understanding of the connection and communication that is necessary for children to be found once abducted. For this project the research was very important and there were lots of reports to go through. I studied and referenced many Amber Alerts, National Centers, and NISMART annual reports. After reading all of my research my next step was to study info graphics for creative ways to present my data. The themes of my spreads are things a child would use and the remembrance of those objects after the child has been “taken.” Coloring books, paper dolls, and game spinners were used as reference for all of the vector work. 
Every Child Deserves Innocence

Every Child Deserves Innocence

Dragmmatic Statistics - Social Awareness Missing Children Article on the Loss of Innocence!
